Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Selling The Fat Clothes

Today I took my old clothes to a resale store. It is called "Full Figure Resale" and they only sell size 16 and up. They sell shoes size 9 and up. It's for big girls.

It took me about 3 hours to sort my clothes, pick out the stylish clean new looking clothes, touch up iron, put them on hangers, and drag them out to the car. I had 31 items and the clerk told me they were beautiful. I hope they sell for lots of money because I only get 40% of the price.

All the clothes that didn't make the cut went to Salvation Army.

My closet is looking pretty bare - it looks big now! I bought a pair of jeans and a skirt and jacket at the resale shop. I am proud to say that everything there was too big! I don't really want to buy clothes yet. I still have a ways to go. So I will wear the same thing over and over until I get down a size.



Sally said...


That is so great!

Julie said...

I did that too and it was bittersweet. So many cute things! It was expensive to replace stuff but I am determined to stay the new size. I need Kelly to help me get moving again too!

Hannah said...
