Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Food As Medicine

Probably one of the most amazing changes that we experienced when we switched from the SAD (standard American diet) to a nutritarian style of eating was the nearly immediate improvement in annoying on-going health issues such as allergies, colds, fatigue, aches and pains, high cholesterol and of course the obvious weight loss. My mom reported that her arthritis improved dramatically and she went off most her pain killers and cholesterol meds.

It really is amazing and you have to wonder why doctor's aren't recommending this to all their patients.

Here is a fascinating article about being obese in America and how one woman saved her own life. It really is worth reading.

Being Fat in America

Thanks to Sharon for sharing the link.


Kristen said...

That was a great article. Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing.

Melissa said...

Such an interesting article. What a true thing that we really have to be our own advocates for health, we can't rely on doctors to know what is best, or tell us.

So sad about the spokesperson for that restaurant! :(

Linda Austin Hart said...

Actually I'm off of ALL, not most, my pain killers & other meds, including Tylenol!

Linda Austin Hart said...


the wrath of khandrea said...

i actually cried a bit reading this. soemtimes i feel overwhelmed at all the causes there are to be passionate about. jamie oliver is gearing up for season two of his food revolution. we'll see how that goes.
i think it's fantastic how influential you've been to many people in this area. the stuff just makes sense.

Pretty Pauline said...

Thanks for sharing this article! Sadly I can relate to crying over FOOD! While not preggers! I've been watching my cals but not my actual food, but I am inspired...